What Does An SEO Company Do? (And How To Choose One)

  • SEO
What Does SEO Company Do?

SEO is still a great way to get new customers for a low cost per lead and is one of the most profitable ways to market a product or service online. Since not all companies have SEO specialists on staff, a lot of them use SEO agencies.

What does an SEO company entail? An SEO company gives you a competitive edge, time-saving advantages, and increased online visibility.

More importantly, we’re going to help you today if you don’t know much about what an SEO company does or how important it is for your business. You can make the right choice by using the information in this article to help you prepare and conduct appropriate research.

What Is An SEO Agency?

What Does An SEO Company Do

What is an SEO company? An expert service provider that leverages search engine optimization to boost a business’s online visibility and performance is known as an SEO company.

SEO companies usually serve a wide spectrum of customers, from startups to major corporations, in several different industries. Depending on the client’s goals and budget, they might provide a variety of service packages.

Ready to choose an SEO company?

  • Look for one with a proven track record of success in your industry. Ask for case studies and client references.
  • Transparent pricing and reporting. Learn precisely what you are purchasing and how their progress is measured.
  • Concentration on ethical, long-term tactics. Stay away from companies promising “overnight success” or using manipulative tactics.
  • Expertise in technical SEO and content creation. The company should handle both optimizing your site and producing new content.

You’ll raise brand awareness, increase organic traffic, and eventually increase sales with the correct SEO principles and partners. Isn’t that a worthwhile investment now?

What Does An SEO Company Do?

Consequently, what do SEO companies do? Enhancing your website’s position in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo is their main objective. To optimize your website, they provide a few specialized services and industry best practices, like:

Keyword Research

They research competitors in your market and your industry to identify keywords that will bring relevant traffic to your website. They can improve your rankings for terms that are important to your business by identifying high-volume, low-competition keywords.

On-Page Optimization

This means optimizing your actual web pages. They will ensure that the architecture of your website is optimized for search engines. This makes your website’s content easier for search engines to understand.

Link Building

SEO businesses create backlinks to your website from reputable websites that are of the highest caliber. Higher ranks are the result of search engines receiving signals from these inbound links that indicate your website is a reliable source. They reach out to obtain placements on top news sites, blogs, and other online platforms.

Technical SEO

They assess the technical aspects of your website. After that, they make adjustments to guarantee that search engines can effortlessly crawl and index your material. Fast, mobile-optimized sites with clean code rank higher.

Reporting and Monitoring

They monitor for issues and make recommendations to optimize your results over time. SEO is an ongoing process, so consistent tracking and adjustments are key.

Digital Marketing Services

A few SEO firms additionally provide other digital marketing services. The broader their skill set, the more they can do to promote your business online.

Choosing the right SEO acronym is key. Look for a reputable agency with experience in your industry, check their client reviews and case studies, and make sure their approach aligns with your business goals. SEO done well can be a game changer for driving more traffic and turning visitors into customers.

How To Choose An SEO Company

What Does An SEO Company Do

When choosing an SEO company to help improve your website’s search rankings, what does an SEO agency do, and how do you pick one? Here are some tips:

1. Examine The Portfolio Of A Company.

The experience and accomplishments of an agency are visible through its portfolio. It offers concrete proof of their abilities and the kinds of projects they have completed successfully. When evaluating a portfolio, make sure to include a range of projects, especially ones that are related to your company. This shows that the agency is capable of working on projects similar to yours and provides you with information about their methodology and past client outcomes.

What Is The Website Ranking Of The Company?

Has this business been successful in search engine optimization for its website? Do searches for their keywords turn them up? Likely, they won’t be able to assist you if they can’t even help themselves establish a strong online presence. Examine some of the other businesses they’ve featured and see where they rank on Google.

Do The Company’s Research.

Search online for SEO companies in your area and read reviews from their clients. See what other business owners say about their experiences and results. Check to see if the companies and their employees seem transparent in how they operate.

Consider Their Experience.

An established company with a proven track record of results for similar clients is ideal. Ask for data-driven case studies or examples of their work. See if they stay up-to-date with frequent changes in search engines’ algorithms and best practices.

Check Their Pricing.

SEO services can vary, so compare quotes from different companies. Look for fair, reasonable pricing that fits your budget. Avoid extremes on either end. The cheapest option may cut corners, while the most expensive may not provide the best value.

2. Select a Virtuous Company

Any business owner should become familiar with the fundamentals of SEO before looking into SEO firms. When attempting to discern between ethical and dubious SEO practices, it is critical to understand what it is, how it functions, and how results are realistically obtained.

Verify that an SEO company follows search engine guidelines before signing a contract with them. Unethical optimization techniques known as “black hat SEO” can drive traffic quickly but ultimately result in your website being banned. Does the agency employ people to complete the work internally or does it get outsourced to other nations?

3. Nobody Can Promise Any Specific Outcomes.

Similar to ethics, be mindful of the promises made by an agency. A company should be avoided if it claims to “guarantee” a specific ranking on Google or a specific number of visitors to your website. Since Google does not pay for priority submissions or higher rankings, no one can guarantee a specific rank. The only assurance you need is that they will adhere to search engine optimization’s best prop-to-detectives and quality standards for their work.

The Google search algorithm is modified and updated frequently. Selecting an agency that is aware of the most recent modifications and stays up-to-date with these updates is crucial.

4. Look Up Reviews Of Seo Companies.

Verify the international SEO service provider’s reviews and testimonials before hiring them. Look for additional reviews online in addition to the testimonies on their website. You will probably find them if they have a lot of bad reviews. For a better idea of their work culture, see how they interact online by visiting their social media accounts and BBB profiles.

5. Anticipate Openness

It’s a positive indication that a business is ready to address all of your inquiries and thoroughly dispel any confusion by providing SEO information. Companies that may be secretive about their procedures, staff, or methods should be avoided. If they have anything to hide, it’s probably because they use black-hat SEO and conduct business in an unethical manner. Neither rocket science nor a magic formula apply to SEO. A competent SEO company will walk you through their workflow, provide a rationale for their methods, and expand on the definition and operation of SEO.

Particular To A Certain Industry, Contemplation Leadership

Leading SEO industry thought leaders or hiring them as employees gives agencies a competitive advantage. With their vast knowledge and creative approaches, these people are usually at the forefront of search engine optimization trends and best practices. Offering cutting-edge insights and strategies, an agency with thought leaders in the field is probably better equipped to handle the constantly shifting SEO landscape.

6. Ask Good Questions.

Reach out to a few companies with good reviews that seem like a good fit. Ask them questions about their methods, experience, availability, pricing, and more. Get a feel for how well they understand your business and goals. See if their responses seem tailored to your needs or generic.

Questions To Ask When Choosing An SEO Company

What are SEO agencies? A few important questions to ask when selecting a collaborator are as follows:

  • What does SEO do for a company? Not all SEO companies provide the same services. Some focus on on-page optimization, some on link building, and some provide end-to-end SEO services. Make sure the company offers the specific services you need.
  • How do they track rankings and results? Any reputable SEO company should use tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Google Search Console to monitor your rankings, traffic, and keyword positions. Ask how often they report on results and progress.
  • How much do they communicate? The process of providing SEO services is continuous and calls for cooperation and modifications. Inquire about the frequency of their updates, their question-answering skills, and the channels through which they communicate. Look for a company that makes SEO transparent and accessible.
  • What are their core values? Search engine guidelines violations, also known as “black hat” tactics, have presented some difficulties for the SEO industry. Select a company that prioritizes ethics, openness, and a positive user experience. Rather than being sleazy or manipulative, their techniques ought to seem like a normal, beneficial aspect of the internet.
  • Can you speak with past clients? It is impossible to evaluate an SEO company more accurately than by speaking with their previous or present customers. Request to speak with one or two clients whose needs are comparable to your own. Get feedback on their experience, results, and if they would recommend the company.

Some Tips To Get More From Your Seo Company

What Does An SEO Company Do

Here are some pointers to maximize the benefits of your SEO company:

Provide Access To Resources.

To ensure that your website is fully optimized, provide your SEO company with access to certain things. Their SEO strategy can be more extensive with more access.

Communicate Openly

Keep the lines of communication open with your SEO firm and offer suggestions for their campaigns and strategies. Inform them of what is and is not working so they can adjust as necessary. Ask them questions about reports or terms you need help understanding.

Follow Their Recommendations.

The tactics that your SEO firm suggests will raise your website’s search engine rankings and drive more traffic to it. Put their recommendations into practice by optimizing page titles and more. They are giving you advice that should be taken!

Review Reports Regularly.

Request monthly reports from your SEO company. Examine the reports to make sure your site is heading in the right direction and that their efforts are paying off. Comment on the reports and pose further inquiries.

When Is The Best Time To Hire An SEO company?

What Does An SEO Company Do

If your company is in any of the scenarios discussed below, it’s probably time to hire an SEO expert.

You Haven’t Completed It Before.

Technicalities abound in SEO. It’s time to consult an expert if you find this to be total nonsense but still want to improve your Google search ranking. Self-reliance If you don’t know what you’re doing, SEO can be dangerous because there is a lot of bad advice out there.

Resources Are Available To You

To do SEO properly, you’ll need to set aside some money, whether you want to work with an agency or handle it internally. One of the best uses of your marketing budget is SEO-focused blog content, as it can result in increased domain authority, brand recognition, organic traffic, new leads, backlinks, and many other benefits.

Outsourcing to an SEO expert can relieve a lot of your workload and help your brand take off if you have the funds and want a highly skilled team.

There Isn’t Much Traffic To Your Website.

Should your website receive an unsatisfactory 10 visits daily, it may be time to bring in an SEO specialist. It is almost impossible for you to rank well in the SERPs if there is little traffic. It damages your ranking chances by telling Google that your content is unimportant or that your user experience is uninteresting.

Additionally, SEO can assist you in getting better leads from your website. Outbound leads have a pitiful 1.7% close rate, compared to 14.6% for SEO leads.

Your Marketing Group Is Too Busy.

It will be very difficult to outrank competitors in your niche who have employed in-house SEO specialists. You can ask your internal marketing team to take on SEO, but if they’re overworked already, they won’t have time to incorporate SEO into your overall marketing plan.

Most marketing teams are working a million miles an hour due to their busy schedules, which include work for social media, landing pages, email campaigns, lead generation, paid search, copywriting, and more. One person frequently handles all of the work for startups and small businesses.

The majority of clients that approach SEO companies like ours do so to free up time for all the other projects they are managing. Improving your SEO can greatly enhance the outcomes of your other endeavors.

Engage a specialist who can begin working right away and won’t need any ramp-up time or delays to avoid burning out your marketing employee. This is the most effective approach to juggling SEO with your hectic schedule without depleting your team.

You’re Redesigning Your Website.

This one is easy: will you soon be updating your website? An SEO expert can assist you in making every aspect of your newly redesigned website as optimized as possible, which will raise the possibility that it will appear highly in search results.

Is Hiring An SEO Agency Valuable?

The following are the top five advantages of working with an SEO agency:

  • Your website will become better thanks to SEO.
  • Experienced SEO firms
  • SEO firms produce the greatest outcomes.
  • By hiring a pro, you can concentrate on your area of expertise.
  • Beyond SEO, full-service firms can assist.

SEO companies stay up-to-date with the latest algorithms, techniques, and tools to help websites rank higher in search results. They can perform technical audits to fix any issues preventing you from ranking well. To raise your domain authority and search rankings, SEO companies also create high-quality backlinks.

Outreach and link-building are time-consuming tasks. Teams at SEO companies are devoted to establishing links and rapport with influencers and other websites. They can also create optimized content to help boost your search rankings and attract more visitors. Even though SEO firms have higher costs, your company may find that the benefits and extra time saved justify the expenditure.

If money is a concern, you might think about hiring a less expensive SEO consultant or trying to optimize your website on your own with free SEO tools and online resources. For optimal outcomes, though, you’re usually better off going with a trustworthy SEO firm. They can help you boost your search engine rankings to new heights because they have the expertise.

Red Flags Of An Untrustworthy Seo Company

Look out for the following warning signs when choosing an SEO company: Can your SEO company do that and suggest a business that will cause more harm than good?

Promises “quick results.” Reputable SEO takes time. Businesses that guarantee a sharp increase in ranks most likely employ “black hat” strategies, which go against search engine policies and harm your website.

Hidden fees. Some companies lure you in with a low initial quote, then charge extra for “add-on” services. Get a detailed contract that outlines exactly what’s included to avoid unexpected charges.

Refuses to explain techniques. Trustworthy companies will openly discuss the strategies and tactics they use to optimize your site. Avoid those that are vague or say their methods are “proprietary.”

Don’t research your industry. Each industry has its own set of key terms and ranking factors. Companies that don’t take the time to understand your specific industry may use ineffective or even damaging optimization strategies.

Relies heavily on link building. While links remain an important ranking factor, companies that focus mostly on building links often do so in spammy ways. SEO should utilize a balanced approach that also includes on-page optimization, content creation, and technical fixes.

If an SEO company exhibits several of these warning signs, keep looking. The wrong optimization strategy could seriously hurt your site’s rankings and visibility. Do thorough research to find a company with a proven track record of success in your industry.


As an SEO company, Afx Web Studios can’t emphasize enough how important it is to pick the best agency for your company. The distinction between poor and excellent SEO goes beyond simple financial waste—poor SEO can harm a company’s reputation.

You have a brief overview of what SEO does for a company and how to select the best one. Though it may appear difficult, SEO is just about making your website more visible to search engines and encouraging people to interact with your brand. The secret is to find an SEO partner with a track record of success who can effectively communicate, comprehend your business goals, and achieve them.


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